Michael Kremer University Professor Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics

Research Applications

Accelerating Health Technologies

Accelerating Health Technologies (AHT) is group of economists and statisticians working on the problem of how to accelerate widespread access to vaccines and other health products to address COVID-19. To learn more, please visit: https://www.acceleratinght.org/


The Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (B.R.EA.D) is dedicated to encouraging research and scholarship in development economics. Our main activities are conferences, a working paper and policy paper series, and a summer school. To learn more, please visit: http://ibread.org/bread/

Dispensers for Safe Water

Evidence Action’s “Dispensers for Safe Water” initiative installs and maintains chlorine dispensers in rural Africa. Recommended by Givewell, The Life You Can Save, and ImpactMatters, Dispensers for Safe Water provides over 4 million people with free and reliable access to safe water, reducing preventable diseases such as diarrhea and saving children’s lives.To learn more, please visit: https://www.evidenceaction.org/dispensersforsafewater/

Development Innovation Lab

The newly established Development Innovation Lab will use the tools of economics to develop innovations of practical use for developing countries. By bringing together experts in different fields and working closely with nonprofit organizations, firms and governments in the developing world, the Lab can simultaneously advance knowledge and generate solutions to development challenges which can reach hundreds of millions of people.

Deworm the World

More than 868 million children are at risk of parasitic worm infections. We help reach over 280 million of them annually – for less than US 50 cents per treatment. An eight-time GiveWell top charity, the Deworm the World Initiative combats worm infections by working with governments to deliver mass school-based deworming programs. 

Since 2014, we have supported governments to deliver over 1 billion treatments, which are proven to improve the nutrition, cognition, school attendance, and long-term economic prospects of children.To learn more, please visit: https://www.evidenceaction.org/dewormtheworld/

Precision Agriculture for Development

Precision Agriculture for Development (PAD) is a non-profit organization with a mission to support smallholder farmers in developing countries by providing customized information and services that increase productivity, profitability, and environmental sustainability. 

We are establishing a new model for agricultural extension: reaching farmers with personalized agricultural advice through their mobile phones. We implement this model in collaboration with partner organizations and governments and gather evidence on its impact. We aim to improve the lives of 100 million farmers in developing countries with our services and support to existing systems. To learn more, please visit: https://precisionag.org